1) Find a Legendary creature that you like and or find interesting.
2) Find where & when does the creature come from. ( + a definition)
3) Find between 1 and 3 piece of arts related to your creature. ( Write the origin, date of creation and who did it. )
4) Find a video game 0r movie which has the creature you choose in it.
You must have at least 3 sources.
For each images or text you must write the source.
5) Design/create your own Legendary Creature.
Here is an example:
I'll choose the "Unicorn":
Unicorn, mythological animal resembling a horse or a goat with a single horn on its forehead. The unicorn appeared in early Mesopotamian artworks, and it also was referred to in the ancient myths of India and China. The earliest description in Greek literature of a single-horned (Greek monokerōs, Latin unicornis) animal was by the historian Ctesias (c. 400 bce), who related that the Indian wild ass was the size of a horse, with a white body, purple head, and blue eyes, and on its forehead was a cubit-long horn coloured red at the pointed tip, black in the middle, and white at the base.

The gentle and pensive maiden has the power to tame the unicorn, fresco by Domenichino, c. 1604–05 (Palazzo Farnese, Rome)

Sight, from the La Dame à la licorne tapestry set, c. 1500 (Musée de Cluny, Paris)

When fifteen-year-old Annabelle is sent to live in an orphanage, she runs away with two other kids in hopes of rescuing the animals on her family's farm before they are taken away by her greedy neighbor, Bo Gilmer. Arriving at the farm, Annabelle and the kids discover a new creature has taken up residence - a magical unicorn.